Cambremer Miss Muffet
Interchampion Slovak Champion of Beauty Slovak Grandchampion of Beauty Bohemian Champion of Beauty Hungarian Champion of Beauty Austrian Champion of Beauty 5 years
born 23.10.2003
DBK 0/1 , DLK 0/0
PRA/CAT - neg. (30 March 2011) Na: HMLR - gentest Myopathie Normal/Clear EIC - Exersice Iduced Collaps - gentest : EIC/N Carrier PRCD- PRA - gentest Normal/Clear
NVP Banská Bystrica - Exc 1 CAJC, Junior National Winner, BOB, BIG3 - Konderela Zofia (PL) MVP Nitra - Exc 3 - Korósz András (H) ©KVR Zlaté Moravce - Exc 2 r. CAC - Phillipstown Mary (Ire) MVP Pápa - Exc 1 CAC - M.Luise Doppelreiter (A) MVP Pápa - Exc 1 CAC, r.CACIB - ©tefan Sinkó (SLO) NVP Mosonmagyaróvár - Exc 1 CAC BOB - Czegledy Attila (H) MVP Bratislava - Exc 1 CAC - Stanovsky M. (SK) MVP Bratislava - Exc 1 CAC, r.CACIB - Sheritsa Olga (Mol) Národná výstava Brno - Exc 1 CAC - Kaąpar M. (CZ) ©VR Laxemberg Retrievertrophy - Exc 1 CAC, Best bitch, BOB - Marion Hopkinson (GB) CVP Senec - Exc 1 CAC - Matyaą (SK) MVP Nitra - Exc 3 - A.Korósz (H) MVP Oberwart - Exc 1 CACA, r.CACIB - P.Bertchold (A) MVP Tulln - Exc 1 CAC - T.Jakel (H) MVP Nitra - Exc 1C AC - Peter Studeník (CZ) ©KVR Nitra - Barbara Krumpac (Slo) 2006: MVP Trenčín - Exc1 CAC MVP Brno - Exc1 CAC, r. CACIB NVP Nitra - Exc2 r.CAC NVP B.Bystrica - Exc2 r.CAC - J. Janek (SK) ©KVR Bratislava - Exc1 CAC - Mark Rawlinson (GB) CVP Senec - Exc1 CAC - Czegledi A. (H) NVP Pápa - Exc1 CAC MVP Nitra - Exc1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG2 - L. Umbrová (CZ) MVP Miscolc - BOB - Sziladyi J. (H) MVP Táta - Exc1 CAC, r.CACIB - P. Bertchold (A) MVP Bratislava - Exc1 CAC, r. CACIB NO Retrievertrophy Sallaburg - Exc1 CACA - P. Carpanini (GB) ©KVR Nitra - Exc2r. CAC - Zoltan Kiss (Hungaria) MVP Bratislava - Exc1 CAC - Albin Luknár MVP Bratislava - Exc2 r.CAC - Marián Novák 2009: MVP Brno 7.2.2009 - Exc1 CAC CACIB, CRUFTS nomination - Marion Hopkinson (GB, kennel Rocheby) MVP Brno 8.2.2009 - Exc1 CAC r.CACIB - David Hopkinson (GB, kennel Rocheby) IHA Wieselburg 4.4.2009 - Exc1 CACA - judge: Pieta van Dee (F) CAC Pápa 5.4.2009 - Exc1 CAC - judge: T.Jakel (H) Labrador retriever speciality show 18.4.2009 - Exc 1 CAC - Piera Zerbi (Kennel Acerbis, I) IDS Springduodanube Bratislava 9.5.2009 -Exc 1 CAC, CACIB Cruft´s 2010 nom. - Peter Bertchold (A) KVR Oslavany 6.6.2009 - Exc 3 - Mrs. S. Wallington (kennel Balnova, GB) WORK / TESTS
JSMP 2005 - I.prize
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