O'La Bomba Sun In Their Eyes
born 9.9.2009, SPKP 4307
RTG HD A/A, ED 0/0
OptiGen A by parentage PRA/CAT - neg. ( 25.11.2011 ) EIC - Exercise Induced Collaps - gentest: Normal/Clear Gentest Maligne Hyperthermie (MH) - Normal/ Clear HMLR - gentest Myopathie Normal/Clear by parentage Inherited RD/OSD - gentest: Normal/Clear by parentage Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Normal/Clear
15.5.2010 IDS Bratislava, judge E.Adamovskaya (RU) - VP1
16.5.2010 IDS Bratislava, judge D. Skok (HR) - VP2 6.6.2010 Retriever Club Show Nitra, judge ©. Janega (SK) - VP2 24.09.2011 ŠVR Vyhne V1 CAC, Special winner , BOB, BIS II Mary and Martin O´Donoghue kennel Philipstown ( Írsko ) WORK / TESTS
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